Integration Results (selection) dialog box

The Integration Results dialog box displays the integration results for a selection on an Sv echogram.

To invoke the Integration Results dialog box:

  1. Make a selection on an Sv echogram.

  2. On the Shortcut menu (right-click), click Integrate Selection.

The following information and settings are available:

Note: The analysis variables that are displayed differ depending on whether you are working in depth mode or range mode, see About depth, range and altitude.

Analysis variable



Sv mean

The mean volume backscattering strength.


Sv minimum

The minimum Sv value included in the integration. This does not include samples thresholded to -999.0dB.

Sv maximum

The maximum Sv value included in the integration.


The Nautical area scattering coefficient (sA as used by Simrad).


The Area Backscattering Coefficient.


Height mean (in depth mode)
Thickness mean (in range mode)

The average thickness/height of the selection calculated over the pings included in the integration.

Depth mean
Range mean

The average range/depth of samples included in the selection.

Beam volume sum

The sum of the beam volumes of all pings in the selection. See Beam_volume_sum for more information.

Exclude below line depth mean
- or-
Exclude below line range mean

The average range/depth of the line entered in the exclude below text box (on the Analysis page of the Variable Properties dialog box) over pings with a "good" line status included in the integration. Generally the exclude below line would be the bottom.


Good samples

The number of sample data points actually included in the integration. Data points can be excluded if they fall within bad data regions, above an Exclude above line or below an Exclude below line.

The Exclude below line and Exclude above line are specified on the Analysis page of the Variable Properties dialog box.

May be exported as Good_samples.


Bad data no data samples

The number of bad data (no data) samples in bad data regions.

May be exported as Bad_data_no_data_samples.


Bad data empty water samples

The number of bad data (empty water) samples in bad data regions.

May be exported as Bad_data_empty_water_samples.


No_data samples

The number of no data samples.

May be exported as No_data_samples.


Samples above surface exclusion

The number of samples above the Exclude above line.

May be exported as Samples_above_surface_exclusion.


Samples below bottom exclusion

The number of samples below the Exclude below line.

May be exported as Samples_below_bottom_exclusion.


Samples in domain

The number of samples contained within the selection.

May be exported as Sample_in_domain.



The number of pings between the start and end time of the selection. The number of pings is not affected by bad data regions.



The value of Bottom_roughness_normalized for the selection, where the classification algorithm Feature extraction interval is the number of pings in the selection.


The value of Bottom_hardness_normalized for the selection, where the classification algorithm Feature extraction interval is the number of pings in the selection.


The value of First_bottom_length_normalized for the selection, where the classification algorithm Feature extraction interval is the number of pings in the selection.


The value of Second_bottom_length_normalized for the selection, where the classification algorithm Feature extraction interval is the number of pings in the selection.


The value of Bottom_rise_time_normalized for the selection, where the classification algorithm Feature extraction interval is the number of pings in the selection.


The value of Bottom_line_depth_mean for the selection, where the classification algorithm Feature extraction interval is the number of pings in the selection.

Bottom_max_Sv (dB)

The value of Bottom_max_Sv for the selection, where the classification algorithm Feature extraction interval is the number of pings in the selection.


The value of Bottom_kurtosis for the selection, where the classification algorithm Feature extraction interval is the number of pings in the selection.


The value of Bottom_skewness for the selection, where the classification algorithm Feature extraction interval is the number of pings in the selection.

Note: *Echoview displays extracted features only when bottom point export variables are selected on the Export page of the EV File Properties dialog box. The quality of the extracted features relies on the suitability of the bottom line, the overlap of the selection/region/cell with the first and second bottom echoes, the quality of the Bottom echo threshold at 1m and the suitability of the Feature Extraction Interval. Bottom calculations ignore the use of the bottom line as an Exclude below line. Bottom calculations consider data from the pings that intersect the region, cell or selection.For more information refer to Configuring a bottom classification.


Select Linked to link the displayed results to the currently activated region or selection. The displayed results will update as you select subsequent regions or selections of the echogram.

Notes: With Linked selected, the dialog box will respond to the activated region on the Region browser and the Regions window.

See also

About Integration
About selections

About analysis variables

Integrating a selection

Analyze Selection dialog box

Integration Results dialog box