Biomass density estimator

Generates a mask, as a bitmap, that indicates if the biomass density is low enough to obtain reliable in situ TS values.

This is accomplished by:

  • calculating the number of fish in the acoustic sampling volume (Nv, Sawada et al., 1993; see also Gauthier and Rose, 2001)
  • then calculating the ratio of multiple echoes when measuring a single target (M)
  • then testing the resulting values against their respective threshold values (nv_threshold and m_threshold respectively)

List of operands

Operand 1 - Single beam Sv mean (cell statistic)

Operand 2 - Single beam TS mean (cell statistic)

Operand 3 - Single beam Echo density (cell statistic)

See also: About the Cell Statistic operator.


Echoview Code Operator source file

Created by Echoview(R) 10.0.218 on Monday, 29 April 2019

See the Echoview help file for Code operator documentation and

NumPy User Guide:
NumPy Reference:
SciPy Reference Guide:

Echoview(R) is a registered trademark of Echoview Software Pty Ltd.

# Authorship information
__author__ = "Echoview Software Pty Ltd. 2019."
__disclaimer__ = (
    "This example code is provided AS IS, without warranty of any "
    "kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the "
    "warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose "
    "and noninfringement. In no event shall Echoview Software Pty Ltd "
    "be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, arising "
    "from, out of or in connection with the use of this example code."
__version__ = "1.0"

# System Imports
from typing import List

# Libraries
import echoview as ev
import numpy as np

class Operator(ev.OperatorBase):
    Biomass density estimator (Sawada index)

    Generates a mask (bitmap) that indicates if the biomass density is
    low enough to obtain reliable in situ TS values.


    * Operand 1 - Single beam Sv mean (cell statistic)
    * Operand 2 - Single beam TS mean (cell statistic)
    * Operand 3 - Single beam Echo density (cell statistic)


    This is accomplished by calculating the number of fish in the
    acoustic sampling volume (Nv, Sawada et al., 1993; see also
    Gauthier and Rose, 2001) and ratio of multiple echoes when measuring
    a single target (M) and then testing the resulting values against
    their respective threshold values (nv_threshold and m_threshold

    def __init__(self):
        Initialization: Define the M and Nv threshold values for use
        during the calculation.

        self.m_threshold = 0.7
        self.nv_threshold = 0.04

    def result_type(self, input_types: List[ev.MeasurementType]):
        Determines the type of variable from the list of input operand

        In this case we are generating a mask for singlebeam data,
        therefore we want SINGLE_BEAM_BOOLEAN.

        return ev.MeasurementType.SINGLE_BEAM_BOOLEAN

    def eval(self, inputs: List[ev.OperandInput]):
        Returns a boolean NumPy array representing which samples have a
        low enough biomass density for reliable in situ TS estimates.

        # Get calibration from first operand (Sv mean), assuming this is
        # consistent across all three operands.
        ref_ping = inputs[0].measurement

        # Get PulseDuration in seconds.
        tau ='PulseDuration') / 1000.0
        # Get two way beam angle, converted to linear units.
        two_way_ba_lin = 10.0**('TwoWayBeamAngle') / 10.0)
        c ='SoundSpeed')

        # Calculate an array of range values, one for each sample of the
        # current ping. This makes use of NumPy's linspace method, which
        # calculates an evenly spaced array between the start and stop
        # ranges of the ping.
        sample_count =[0]
        sample_thickness = ((ref_ping.stop_range - ref_ping.start_range)
                            / sample_count)
        ranges = np.linspace(ref_ping.start_range + (sample_thickness / 2),
                             ref_ping.stop_range-(sample_thickness / 2),

        # Get the ping samples from each of the three input operands,
        # fixing any invalid values (such as nan, inf) as we do so.
        sv_mean =[0]
        ts_mean =[1]
        nec =[2]

        # Convert the Sv and TS mean values to linear units.
        sv_mean = to_linear(sv_mean)
        ts_mean = to_linear(ts_mean)

        # Calculate fish density from Sv and TS mean given echo
        # integrator.
        nei = sv_mean/ts_mean

        # Calculate number of fish per acoustic sampling volume (Nv),
        # sometimes known as the Sawada index.
        # (nv= c*t*equivBA* range^2 * nei)/2
        nv = (c*tau*two_way_ba_lin*np.square(ranges)*nei) / 2

        # Ratio for multiple echoes when measuring a single target.
        M = ((nei - nec) / nei)

        # Calculate the boolean mask to return using NumPy's logical_and
        # method to evaluate samples where nv < nv Threshold and
        # M < M Threshold.
        # Note: Echoview doesn't support nodata for boolean variables so
        # set any masked out values to False.
        return np.logical_and(nv < self.nv_threshold, M < self.m_threshold) \

def to_linear(data:, out=None):
    """Converts the specified input to linear values"""

    # Equivalent to 10 ** (data / 10) but more efficient due to reusing
    # the same output array instead of making multiple copies.
    if out is not None and out.shape != data.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            'out must be a NumPy array with the same shape as the input array')

    out = np.divide(data, 10, out=out)
    out = np.power(10, out, out=out)

    return out

See also

Code operator
About the Code operator
Using the Code operator