Exporting regions

You can perform the following types of exports from regions:

Export analyses by region

This export outputs an analysis of the data within regions.

For information about the types of analysis-by-region exports that are available, see Exporting region analyses.

Export single target frequency distributions by region

This export outputs a frequency distribution, by target strength, of single targets in a region.

To export single target frequency distributions for a single region, see Exporting TS frequency distribution analyses.

To export single target frequency distributions for a multiple regions, see Exporting TS frequency distribution analyses.

Export region definitions

This export outputs a file which contains a complete definition of one or more regions such that it could be recreated in Echoview or another application - depending upon the dimension of the region(s) being exported. See Exporting region definitions for further information.

Export data values by region

This export outputs the values of data points contained in a region. The values that are exported depend on the data type of variable, e.g. Sv values will be exported from an Sv variable. The following types of values may be exported: Sv values, color values, TS values, Boolean values, linear values, single targets or unspecified dB values.

Data values exported by region from linear echograms use scientific notation.

To export values from a single region or multiple regions, see Exporting values.

Export Regions log book

This export outputs region information for regions of a specified region class and in a form suitable to act as a log of a trip or transect. See .regions.csv for more information.

Export Georeferenced Samples for a selected region

The export outputs georeferenced samples for the selected region. See .points.csv and Exporting georeferenced Samples for more information.

Export Georeferenced Samples - specified region classes

The export outputs georeferenced samples for the selected region classes. See .points.csv and Exporting georeferenced Samples for more information.

See also

About regions
Exporting data