Echogram navigation
You navigate around an echogram using a combination of scroll bars, mouse clicks, menu commands and keyboard shortcuts.
- Panning
- Scrolling
- Zooming
- Synchronizing echograms
- Auto-synchronization
- Mouse pointer duplication
- Goto ping
- Find next integram value
- Looped multibeam replay
- Keyboard shortcuts
Note: The navigation methods described on this page do not apply to 3D windows, see 3D Navigation for more information.
On single beam echogram windows displaying scroll bars, you can pan in the following ways:
- Click the Pan tool
, click and drag.
- OR -
- Press the Spacebar, click and drag.
- OR -
- In Rectangular selection mode, click the mouse wheel and drag.
You pan through an echogram using:
the scroll bars; or
the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Note: You can use the arrows keys to scroll while you are making a selection.
Zooming allows you to change the magnification level in the echogram window, e.g. to focus on specific part of an echogram. Zoom-in and zoom-out are limited for performance reasons.
Mouse wheel zoom
For single beam and multibeam echograms and cruise tracks, you can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and zoom out. To zoom out further than [1 ping:1 pixel] or [1 target: 1 pixel] use Ctrl + zoom out with the mouse wheel.
Zoom toolbar
A Zoom toolbar is available.
Zoom shortcuts
Keyboard zoom shortcuts include:
Option |
Description |
Zoom in |
Zooms in on a selection or increases the magnification by a factor of two. To zoom in:
Zoom out |
Undoes the effect of the previous zoom in action: i.e. if you zoomed in on a selection, zoom out will return you to the level of magnification at which the selection was made; if you zoomed in without making a selection, zoom out will reduce the magnification level by a factor of two. To zoom out do one of the following:
Note: If you continue to select Zoom Out you will return to Echoview's least magnified view. |
Unzoom |
Zooms out to the lowest level of magnification. To unzoom do one of the following:
Synchronizing echograms
When more than one echogram window, or other supported windows are open in an EV file, then all windows can be synchronized to show the same area of data. Synchronization relies on matched transducer geometry between the focused and secondary windows.
- On the focused window Press A. Or on the Shortcut (right-click) menu, click Synchronize.
- The active echogram applies the synchronization ping range and zoom level to other echograms, cruise tracks, ping graphs, beam graphs, tables and Media windows. Synchronize respects the range or depth of the specified EV File property Echogram mode.
- On the Shortcut menu, click Synchronize To Point.
- The active echogram applies the synchronization time/ping from under the mouse pointer to other echograms, ping graphs, beam graphs, tables and Media windows. The zoom of other windows is unaffected. Synchronize To Point works with depth regardless of Echogram mode.
- On an active single target echogram or multibeam target echogram, place the mouse pointer over a single target or a multibeam target, and on the Shortcut (right-click) menu, click Synchronize To Target.
- The target under the mouse pointer provides the synchronization position for other echograms and tables to center on. The zoom of other echograms is unaffected. Synchronize To Target works with the range of the target regardless of the Echogram mode.
- Left click on any time-based, ping, Bottom classification or Single target TS vs depth graph.
- The target under the mouse pointer provides the synchronization position for other echograms and tables to center on. The zoom of other echograms is unaffected.
- Multibeam echogram synchronization does not handle depth to range calculations. Non-downward pointing transducer data may display poor synchronization.
- Multibeam-singlebeam echogram synchronization handles ping and range synchronization independently.
You can add echograms, cruise tracks, 4D windows, Media windows or supported graphs to an auto-synchronization group. Toggle the Autosynchronize window toolbar icon (Shift+A) to add or remove a selected window to the auto-synchronization group.
Auto-synchronization also works with live-viewing and towed body image and video media. Refer to Media Position Properties and Synchronizing towed body media with echograms.
What is auto-synchronized
Any window except cruise tracks in the auto-synchronization group controls the:
- scrolling of other single beam echograms
- replay of pings in multibeam echograms (see also looped multibeam replay)
- cross hairs on cruise tracks
- display of video frames or images in the Media window
- ping displayed in graphs where time is the X axis
- display of a ping graph
- display of a beam graph
Ping/beam graph zoom and vertical pan changes update echograms. Echogram zoom and vertical scroll changes update ping/beam graphs.
Identifying the auto-synchronization position in a window
You can identify the auto-synchronization position from the vertical dashed ping indicator for single beam echograms as well as for heading, length, line, ping and roll graphs.
For multibeam echograms and media windows, the autosync position corresponds to the slider position.
For cruise tracks, the autosync position is a cross hair. Position values may be displayed on the cruise track/alongtrack window under the Show synchronized position setting.
Mouse pointer duplication
Open echograms, cruise tracks, alongtrack displays, line-referenced echograms and supported graphs display an indicator that duplicates the moving mouse pointer position on an active echogram, cruise track, alongtrack display or graph.
Duplicate mouse pointer indicators include the:
- echogram crosshair or ping indicator
- cruise track circle
- alongtrack display circle
- graph time-indicator
- ping graph depth-indicator
To toggle mouse pointer duplication:
- activate it in the Echoview Configuration dialog box (Interface page)
- click on the
icon on the Echogram tools toolbar
- use Shift+Ctrl+M
- Mouse pointer duplication is not available between H-mode and V-mode echograms or for beam graphs.
- For Simrad ME70 data, the pointer duplication uses the Major-axis steered angle of the individual beams, depth and time.
- Mouse pointer duplication is dependent on mouse pointer movement. Bear this in mind during multibeam playback or during live viewing.
- Pointer duplication for multibeam target and single target echograms is based on the range of the target or single target. Single beam pointer duplication of targets behaves better for transducers that point vertically down. For targets that are not centered on the beam axis, there may be noticeable differences between the displayed depth and range of the target. See also: About single target depths, About single target ranges, About single targets from multibeam data.
- There may be noticeable differences in the pointer duplication, in range and depth, across multibeam echograms from transducers with different orientations.
- See also: Multibeam synchronization issue above.
See also
Navigating Echoview
Graph navigation
Echogram tools toolbar
About keyboard shortcuts
Using image data
Using video data