(New) Surface Properties dialog box

The (New) Surface Properties dialog box supports the properties for detected and imported surfaces.

Pages include:





The name of the surface.

See also: Supported characters for names.


The type of 3D object.

Further information

Additional details about the 3D object including details of its form and/or content. See Viewing 3D object properties: Common metrics and Surface area.


Display method



The surface is displayed using the intensity color display options:

  • The Intensity area is displayed and you can set the intensity color display options.
    • Color display minimum - Sets the value below which all intensity values will be displayed in the Below threshold color of the selected color scheme.
    • Color display range - Sets the range of intensity values which are mapped to the selected color scheme. All values above (Color display minimum + Color display range) will be displayed in the color schemes Above (threshold + range) color.
    • Color scheme - Sets the color scheme that is used to color the object.
    • Select Alternate palette to use the alternate palette defined for this color scheme.
  • If the object was created in Echoview 3.10 or earlier, the intensity color display options are fixed and are based on the settings that were entered on the Create Surface from Line dialog box or Import Surface dialog box when the 3D object was created.

Specified color

The surface is displayed using a single color.

To change the display color by clicking Change and select a new color.

To alter the transparency of the surface using the Transparency slider bar.

Scene depth scale

The surface is displayed using the Object coloring by depth settings on the Scene Properties dialog box.

Transparency slider

You can alter the transparency of the surface using the slider bar. The allowed values are fully opaque or fully transparent.

Raster Images



Color using these raster images

All imported raster images in the EV file are listed in this section.

Select the checkbox(es) for image(s) you want to use for coloring the surface.

Clear the checkboxes for images you don't want to use.

See: Coloring a surface using a raster image.





Displays the time this object was created.


Displays the time that (or range of times over which) the data on which this object is based was acquired.

Valid time (for animation)

The Valid time is used to control when the object is displayed in a scene. By default the valid time is set equal to the Acquired time.

Use the Time slider to adjust the valid time for this object if desired.

See also: About scene animation

Set to Acquired Time

Click this button once to set the valid start time to the acquired start time and the valid finish time to the acquired finish time.


Creation notes are added or additional manual notes are entered on this page.

See also

About surfaces
Detecting a surface
Importing a surface