About 3D objects

3D objects are objects that can be viewed in a scene are displayed as objects on the Dataflow window.

Some key characteristics of 3D objects are described below:

The following table lists the supported 3D object types.

3D object type


How added to EV file


A 3D representation of a surface. The following sub-types are supported:

  • Surface from line
  • A surface created from a line (including sounder-detected bottom) in an echogram

Created in Echoview

  • Detected surface
  • A detected surface in a multibeam echogram

Created in Echoview

  • External surface
  • A surface created outside of Echoview


  • Surface from object
  • a surface created from a 3D object


3D Region

A region of 3D space enclosed by a surface. 3D Regions may contain vacuoles.

Created in Echoview, or


3D Region Class group

A group of 3D regions with a same region class. Created when 3D schools are detected.

Created in Echoview, or

3D Region track

A group of 3D Regions created by detecting 3D region tracks.

Created in Echoview

3D Region track group

A group of 3D Region tracks created by detecting 3D region tracks.

Automatically created with 3D region tracks.

3D polyline

A line consisting of a series of 3D points.


3D polyline group

A group of 3D polylines.

Automatically created with 3D polylines.

3D single targets

A 3D object consisting of a collection of 3D points representing single targets.

Created in Echoview.

3D single targets group

A group for the 3D single targets object.

Automatically created with 3D single targets.

3D fish track

A 3D object consisting of 3D points representing single targets in a fish track.

Created in Echoview.

3D fish track group

A group of 3D fish tracks.

Automatically created with 3D fish tracks.

Echogram curtain

A 3D representation of a single beam echogram. Contains one or more Echogram curtain segments.

Created in Echoview

Echogram curtain segment

Part of a 3D representation of a single beam echogram. Contained within an Echogram curtain.

Automatically created with Echogram curtains

Multibeam ping curtain group

A grouping of Multibeam ping curtains. Contains one or more Multibeam ping curtains.

Automatically created with Multibeam ping curtain groups

Multibeam ping curtain

A 3D representation of a single multibeam ping. Contained within a Multibeam ping curtain group.

Created in Echoview 

Raster image

A 3D representation of a flat image consisting of a raster of pixels. They can be displayed in scenes as flat planes or used to color surfaces.

An image created from a standard image file format (.jpg, .jpeg, ,bmp,.png, .tif, .tiff) with or without a related ESRI world file.



A Wavefront 3D object (.obj) 


Note: 3D objects that are created by default are Water surface, Cruise track and 3D regions of class "Unclassified regions".

See also

About scenes
Using scenes

Creating 3D objects

Importing 3D objects

Exporting 3D objects