Exporting ICES CSV data

Echoview supports the export of single beam Sv data to an ICES CSV file format that is suitable for the ICES acoustic trawl survey database.

The Echoview ICES .csv export supports single beam Sv data from any file format. But be aware that ICES website Data collections may only support single beam Sv values for HAC *.hac, BioSonics *.dt4 or Simrad *.raw file formats.

Before you export single beam echogram data to the ICES CSV file:

  1. Specify the echogram vertical and horizontal grid on the Grid page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
  2. Specify the echogram Minimum data threshold on the Data page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
  3. Specify ICES compatible survey metadata on the Notes page of the EV File Properties dialog box.
  4. Specify ICES compatible transducer metadata on the Notes page of the Transducer Properties dialog box.
  5. Decide if you want to include the output of empty cells in the export file. The output of empty cells is exported when Output empty cells is selected on the Export page of the EV File Properties dialog box.
  6. Decide if you want to use Exclude above and Exclude below lines on the Analysis page of the Variable Properties dialog box.

Dataflow window Exporter

The ICES analysis exporter on the Dataflow window allows you to retain and repeat a configured export analysis.

Echogram menu

Exports are available through the Echogram menu, Export sub-menu; they are described in this section. Such exports are a single instance of the export.

Analysis by Cells

  1. Display a single beam Sv echogram.
  2. On the Echogram menu select Export, Analysis by Cells, To ICES CSV...
  3. On the Export to ICES CSV Format dialog box, under Export analysis data type: specify the desired export calculation:
    1. Under Export analysis data type: select a data type from the Data type list.
    2. Under Export analysis variables using: select a cell position for GPS fix from the Cell position list.
    3. Under SA species category: enter a description of the biomass in the echogram.
  4. Click Export...
  5. Browse to a folder and enter a file name.
  6. Click Save.

Analysis by Region Classes by Cells:

  1. Display a single beam Sv echogram.
  2. On the Echogram menu select Export, Analysis by Regions Classes by Cells, To ICES CSV...
  3. If the Export Integrated Region Classes by Cells - Select Classes dialog box displays, choose the region class(es) to include in the export, then click Export...
  4. On the Export ICES CSV Format - Integrated Region Classes by Cells dialog box, specify the desired export calculation:
    1. Under Export analysis data type: select a data type from the Data type list.
    2. Under Export analysis variables using: select a cell position for GPS fix from the Cell position list.
    3. Note: Under the Analysis by Regions Classes by Cells export, the region class of the region is output for the DataSaCategory.
  5. Click Export...
  6. Browse to a folder and enter a file name.
  7. Click Save.


  • The Analysis by Cells, To ICES CSV export outputs NASC and ABC calculations.
  • The Analysis by Region Classes by Cells, To ICES CSV export outputs PRC_NASC and PRC_ABC calculations.
  • See also About transects and Using transects.
  • See also Output empty cells behavior.

ICES CSV file format

The ICES CSV file format contains paired rows of header names and associated record values. The file content is organized as grouped tabulated data: Instrument, Calibration, DataAcquisition, DataProcessing, Cruise and Data. The echogram grid defines cell boundaries. Echoview outputs data record values and calculations for the LogOrigin of the cell.

The file includes mandatory, recommended and optional headers. Recommended and optional records may contain no value. The export requires mandatory records to contain a value. The records in the tables below are mandatory unless noted otherwise.


  • When values are absent from the echogram data file, Echoview default values may be exported. Consider replacing default calibration values using an ECS file.
  • The ICES database does not accept field text that includes any of these characters: comma; double quote marks; \r and \n. Echoview replaces such text with a space.
  • The ICES acoustic trawl survey database is large and regularly modified. Please contact support@echoview.com to request the inclusion of additional data or records for the Echoview ICES CSV export.

Instrument Header and Record

Instrument Header Kind of record Record Description
InstrumentFrequency Echogram transducer frequency (kHz) read from the data file.

This is specified under Location description on the Notes page of the Transducer Properties dialog box.

InstrumentTransducerLocation is an ICES code from AC_TransducerLocation.

InstrumentTransducerManufacturer Optional

Transducer manufacturer expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.

InstrumentTransducerModel Optional

Transducer model expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.

InstrumentTransducerSerial Optional

Transducer serial number expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.


The beam type of the transducer is specified by the user under Transducer beam type on the Notes page of the Transducer Properties dialog box.

InstrumentTransducerBeamType is an ICES code from AC_TransducerBeamType.

InstrumentTransducerDepth Optional

Mean depth (m) of the transducer face beneath the water surface expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.


Describes which way the transducer points. The text and values are drawn from the specified settings on the Geometry page of the Transducer Properties dialog box and is reported as:

elevation E° azimuth A° rotation R°

InstrumentTransducerPSI Recommended

Manufacturer-specified transducer equivalent beam angle in dB.

Export value is empty.

InstrumentTransducerBeamAngleMajor Recommended

Major axis beam angle in decimal degrees.

Export value is empty.

InstrumentTransducerBeamAngleMinor Recommended

Minor axis beam angle in decimal degrees.

Export value is empty.

InstrumentTransceiverManufacturer Optional

Transceiver manufacturer expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.

InstrumentTransceiverModel Optional

Transceiver model number expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.

InstrumentTransceiverSerial Optional

Transceiver serial number expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.

InstrumentTransceiverFirmware Optional

Transceiver firmware version expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.

InstrumentComments Optional Text content from the Transducer Properties dialog box Notes section.
InstrumentID InstrumentID is used as a header with InstrumentID record values in the Data table. The value is an Echoview generated instrument tabulated data-set identifier.

Calibration Header and Record

Calibration Header Kind of record Record Description
CalibrationDate Date the transducer was calibrated, as specified under Calibration date on the Notes page of the Transducer Properties dialog box.

The physical process used to calibrate the transducer, as specified under Calibration acquisition method on the Notes page of the Transducer Properties dialog box.

CalibrationAcquisitionMethod is an ICES code from AC_AcquisitionMethod.


The calculation method used to calibrate the transducer, as specified under Calibration processing method on the Notes page of the Transducer Properties dialog box.

CalibrationProcessingMethod is an ICES code from AC_ProcessingMethod.

CalibrationAccuracyEstimate The estimation of the accuracy for the calibration of the transducer, as specified under Calibration accuracy estimate on the Notes page of the Transducer Properties dialog box.
CalibrationReport Optional

Calibration report URL link or reference to an external document expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.

CalibrationComments Optional

Comments on calibration express as a string.

Export value is empty.

CalibrationID CalibrationID is used as a header with CalibrationID record values in the Data table. The value is an Echoview generated calibration tabulated data-set identifier.

DataAcquisition Header and Record

DataAcquisition Header Kind of record Record Description
DataAcquisitionSoftwareName Recommended

Name of software that controls echosounder and its data logging expressed as a string.

DataAcquisitionSoftwareName is an ICES code under AC_DataAcquisitionSoftwareName.

Export value is empty.

DataAcquisitionSoftwareVersion Recommended

Data acquisition software version expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.


Data file type for the echogram data. This is read from the data file and is output as an ICES code under AC_StoredDataFormat.

Note: When the supplied data (file format) does not appear in the AC_StoredDataFormat list, DataAcquisitionStoredDataFormat is left blank.

DataAcquisitionPingDutyCycle Describes the nature of the ping rate, as specified under Ping duty cycle on the Notes page of the Transducer Properties dialog box.
DataAcquisitionComments Optional

Comments on data acquisition expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.

DataAcquisitionID DataAcquisitionID is used as a header with DataAcquisitionID record values in the Data table. The value is an Echoview generated data acquisition tabulated data-set identifier.

DataProcessing Header and Record

DataProcessing Header Kind of record Record Description

The name of the software used to process the echogram data.

DataProcessingSoftwareName is an ICES code from AC_DataProcessingSoftwareName.


The version of the software used to process the echogram data. This is the Echoview version number.


Indicates the status of the AC Triwave correction used with the transducer, as specified under Triwave correction used on the Notes page of the Transducer Properties dialog box.

DataProcessingTriwaveCorrection is an ICES code from AC_TriwaveCorrection.

DataProcessingChannelID Recommended

This is a unique identifier for each data channel expressed as a string.

Export value is empty.

DataProcessingBandwidth Recommended

Bandwidth in kHz associated with the processed data.

Export value is empty.


The echogram ping Frequency (kHz). The value for Frequency on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box. May be read from the data file. If absent from the data file, Echoview uses a default value. The Frequency may be specified by an ECS file.

Frequency can be specified by an ECS file.


The value for TransmittedPower (W) on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box. May be read from the data file. If absent from the data file, Echoview uses a default value of 2000 W. TransmittedPower can be specified by an ECS file.

TransmittedPower can be specified by an ECS file.


The value for PulseDuration (ms) on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box. It is commonly read from the data file.

PulseDuration can be specified by an ECS file.


The transducer gain when the transducer points directly at a calibration sphere.

The value for TransducerGain (dB) on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box. It is commonly read from the data file. When absent from the data file, Echoview uses a default value of 26.5 dB.

TransducerGain can be specified by an ECS file.

DataProcessingOnAxisGainUnit The unit for the TransducerGain value, as specified by the ICES code under AC_OnAxisGainUnit.
DataProcessingSaCorrection Optional

Data processing Sa correction in dB, expressed as a string.

The value may be used for Simrad Ex60 or Simrad EK80 data calibration.

SaCorrectionFactor can be specified by an ECS file.

Export value is empty.

DataProcessingAbsorption Recommended

Sound absorption coefficient (dBm-1) for the absorption of sound in sea water.

A value for AbsorptionCoeffeicient may be displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box.

AbsorptionCoeffeicient can be specified by an ECS file.

Export value is empty.

DataProcessingAbsorptionDescription Optional

Data processing absorption description expressed as a string. Content may cover equations used to calculate absorption, input data sources for the calculations and the nature of the nominal value for the entire dataset.

Export value is empty.

DataProcessingSoundSpeed Recommended

The speed of sound (ms-1) in sea water as used by the transceiver.

A value for SoundSpeed may be displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box.

SoundSpeed can be specified by an ECS file.

Export value is empty.

DataProcessingSoundSpeedDescription Optional

Data processing sound speed description expressed as a string. Content may cover equations used to calculate the speed of sound, input data sources for the calculations and the nature of the nominal value for the entire dataset.

Export value is empty.


The value for TwoWayBeamAngle (dB re 1 steradian) on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box. It is commonly read from the data file. When absent from the data file, Echoview uses a default value of -20.6 dB re 1 steradian.

TwoWayBeamAngle can be specified by an ECS file.

DataProcessingComments Optional

The content from Notes under the echogram's Variable Properties dialog box.

DataProcessingID DataProcessingID is used as a header with DataProcessingID record values in the Data table. The value is an Echoview generated data processing tabulated data-set identifier.

Cruise Header and Record

Cruise Header Kind of record Record Description

Describes the acoustic survey under which the echogram data was acquired.

The ICES name code for the acoustic survey as specified under Name on the Notes page of the EV File Properties dialog box.

CruiseCountry The ICES name code for the country or region for the echogram data as specified under Country/Region on the Notes page of the EV File Properties dialog box.
CruisePlatform The ICES name code for the platform as specified under Platform on the Notes page of the EV File Properties dialog box.
CruiseStartDate Date (DD/MM/YYYY) of the first ping of the cruise track. Read from the data file.
CruiseEndDate Date (DD/MM/YYYY) of the last ping of the cruise track. Read from the data file.
CruiseOrganisation Optional

Integer value for a description from the European Directory of Marine Organizations (EDMO).

CruiseOrganisation is an ICES code under EDMO.

Export value is empty.

CruiseLocalID CruiseLocalID is used as a header with CruiseLocalID record values in the Data table. The value is an Echoview generated cruise tabulated data-set identifier.

Data Header and Records

GPS is read from the echogram data file.

Which of the three is used depends upon the selection of Export analysis variables using on the Export ICES Format dialog box. Which of the three depends upon the selection of Export analysis variables using on the Export ICES Format dialog box.

Data Header Kind of record Record Description

The cell distance (nmi).

It is based on either the vessel log distance or the GPS distance depending upon the current setting of Vessel log distance under Show time/distance grid on the Variable Properties dialog box.

If a Vessel log distance is selected then LogDistance is equivalent to one of:

Otherwise, LogDistance is equivalent to one of:

Which of the three is used depends upon the selection of Export analysis variables using on the Export ICES Format dialog box.

The time of the first, mid or last ping in the cell (in ISO 8601 format), depending upon the selection of Export analysis variables using on the Export ICES Format dialog box.


The GPS-based cell latitude in decimal degrees.

LogLatitude is equivalent to one of:


The GPS-based cell longitude in decimal degrees.

LogLongitude is equivalent to one of:


The GPS-based location in the cell (in the ping dimension) for LogDistance, LogTime, LogLatitude and LogLongitude as represented by the ICES code from AC_LogOrigin.

LogOrigin is specified by LogOrigin fix from cell on the Export to ICES CSV Format dialog box.

  • Cell start is equivalent to the Echoview cell start.
  • Cell middle is equivalent to the Echoview cell middle.
  • Cell end is equivalent to the Echoview cell end.
LogBottomDepth Optional

Logged bottom depth (m).

Export value is empty.


Specifies the validity-status of the cell-middle GPS as represented by an ICES code from AC_LogValidity.

LogValidity I (Invalid) is equivalent to the Echoview ping position status of uncertain or unknown.

LogValidity V (Valid) is equivalent to the Echoview ping position status of good.

SampleChannelDepthUpper The minimum depth (m) of the cell (layer). See Layer_depth_min.
SampleChannelDepthLower The maximum depth (m) of the cell (layer). See Layer_depth_max.

The cell size, from first ping to last ping in the cell.

This value is specified under Show time/distance grid: Distance between grid lines on the Grid page of the echogram's Variable Properties dialog box.

SamplePingAxisIntervalType The cell size type, as represented by the ICES code "distance", "ping" or "time" from AC_PingAxisIntervalType.
SamplePingAxisIntervalOrigin Optional

The location of the ping axis interval value in the ping axis interval: Start, Middle or End.

SamplePingAxisIntervalOrigin is an ICES code from AC_DataPingAxisIntervalOrigin.

Export value is empty.

SamplePingAxisIntervalUnit The cell size unit, as represented by the ICES code "m", "nmi", "ping" or "min" from AC_PingAxisIntervalUnit.
SampleSvThreshold Sv Minimum threshold (dB) specified on the Data page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
InstrumentID Echoview generated instrument tabulated data-set identifier.
CalibrationID Echoview generated calibration tabulated data-set identifier.
DataAcquisitionID Echoview generated data acquisition tabulated data-set identifier.
DataProcessingID Echoview generated data processing tabulated data-set identifier.

Description of the echogram species content, as represented by an ICES code from AC_SaCategory.

Under an Analysis By Cells export, the value is entered as SA species category on the Export to ICES CSV Format dialog box.

Under an Analysis By Region Classes by Cells export, the value is the Echoview region class of the region.


Export, Analysis by Cells

User specified export calculation under Export analysis data type on the Export to ICES CSV Format dialog box.

ICES code A represents the Mean Sv calculation.

ICES code C represents the NASC calculation.

ICES code D represents the ABC calculation.

Export, Analysis by Region Classes by Cells

User specified export calculation under Export analysis data type on the Export to ICES CSV Format dialog box.

ICES code A represents the Mean Sv calculation.

ICES code C represents the PRC_NASC calculation.

ICES code D represents the PRC_ABC calculation.


Unit for DataType.

ICES code dbm-1 is the unit for the Mean Sv calculation.

ICES code m2nmi-2 is the unit for the NASC or PRC_NASC calculation.

ICES code m2m-2 is the unit for the ABC or PRC_ABC calculation.


Export, Analysis by Cells

Mean Sv (dB re 1 m-1) value

NASC (m2/nmi2) value

ABC (m2/m2) value

Export, Analysis by Region Classes by Cells

Mean Sv (dB re 1 m-1) value

PRC_NASC (m2/nmi2) value

PRC_ABC (m2/m2) value

Region classes by Cells notes:

  • Sv_mean is calculated in the cell by considering samples in the regions of the specified region class. All other samples in the cell are deemed no-data.
  • NASC or ABC for a region class in a cell matches the PRC_NASC or PRC_ABC of regions of the specified region class intersecting the cell.
CruiseLocalID Echoview generated cruise tabulated data-set identifier.

See also

Exporting in Echoview
About exporting data
Export file formats
COM support