New in Echoview 5.0 for all users

This page has been prepared for the full release of Echoview 5.0. The contents of the Help file may change and you should check with each subsequent release of Echoview 5.0.

Welcome to Echoview 5.0!

Echoview Software is very pleased to announce the release of Echoview 5. This version is a step up from Echoview 4 and contains many new enhancements across a broad range of program features. A major version change is an excellent time to tidy up, streamline and modernize. We are excited to bring it to you in the knowledge that it is almost guaranteed to improve the depth and efficiency of your acoustic data post-processing, regardless of your processing methodology. We are pleased to introduce features that will improve processing speed and boost your workflow.

New features are presented in these categories:

New features for all users

User interface enhancements
File format support
New Operators and Operator enhancements
Scripting and COM objects
Performance improvements and other changes
Documentation changes

New features for Multibeam, Imaging and Scanning sonar users

User interface enhancements
File format enhancements

New features for users of specific echosounders and sonars

Transition from Echoview 4

New features for all users


How it works


User interface enhancements

New calibration model

Use calibration values found with your data or specify values using:

An ECS file is used to specify settings that can apply seamlessly at the fileset and variable levels. You change or add calibration settings through the ECS file. The ECS file even supports comments in your language.

An ECS file can used for multiple EV files and multiple variables. The calibration time-saving benefits of this model become most obvious for:

  • data whose calibration settings are stored with the data
  • data that results in many raw acoustic variables
  • related data in a survey

Calibration setting names displayed on screen have changed slightly, this change is to streamline setting names used within the ECS file and for COM scripting. The definitions of the setting names have not changed.

New EV files
  1. Add data files to a Fileset.
  2. Use the data by doing a calculation.
  3. Scrutinize the calibration values used.
  4. If required, create an ECS file to correct the calibration values.
  5. Repeat the calculation to apply the new calibration settings.

Refer to new EV file calibration for the full details of this process.

Pre-Echoview 5.0 EV files
  1. Open the EV file.
  2. Use the data by doing a calculation.
  3. Scrutinize the calibration values used.
  4. Use Help menu > Historic calibration to scrutinize the old EV file's historic calibration values.
  5. If required, create an ECS file and copy/paste historic calibration settings it to emulate pre-Echoview 5.0 calibration values.
  6. Repeat the calculation to apply the new calibration settings.

Refer to pre-Echoview 5 EV file calibration for the full details of this process.

For more details about the new calibration model refer to:

You may also find this guide useful - calibration topics in the Help file.

Other changes that support calibration with ECS files include:

  • The ability to specify (multiple) search paths for ECS files under Calibration file locations on the EV File page of the EV File Properties dialog box.
  • The ability to specify a specific folder for ECS files under Calibration files on the File locations page of the Echoview Configuration dialog box.
  • Echoview can display historic calibration values used in pre-Echoview 5.0 EV files with Help menu > Historic Calibration. On the Calibration Information dialog box, you can also obtain an up to date list of all calibration setting names.
  • The ECS file specified under the Calibration section of the Filesets window is copied to a template.
  • Two additional TvgRangeCorrection algorithms, applicable to Sv and TS variables, are available: PulseLength and Ex500Forced. These, together with existing TVG range correction algorithms and Echoview's judicious application of default algorithms, where required, give you the widest options in the choice of TVG range correction. Refer to Common calibration names: TvgRangeCorrection for more information.
  • Calibration setting inheritance is simplified to inheritance of Transducer and SourceCal (Calibration Source) from the first operand. As a result, the Transducer for complex (calibration) inheritance chains in pre-Echoview 5 EV files may change to conform with this rule. The Transducer is determined from the first operand (and raw variable) at the start of the virtual chain.
  • ST Thickness source is no longer a calibration setting. Thickness source and other single target display settings can now be found under the Data page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
  • The SimradDraftLogging value (known previously as Logged Draft) no longer affects layers in single target and fish track export analyses.
  • The new Interpret Ex60 multiplexed channels setting on the EV File page of the EV File Properties dialog box, enables Echoview to interpret Simrad Ex60 multiplexed data.
  • Simrad BI500 -work files are now read using File menu > Import.
  • You cannot change Sv variable frequency on the Frequency Response graph.
  • A default value is used when a calibration setting's value is outside of the valid range.
  • The maximum range for Frequency is now 10 000 kHz.
  • COM support for the new calibration model.
Echoview's new calibration model is designed to be simpler to use, flexible and powerful.

Calibration settings and pings

Echoview can read calibration settings from data files, and can also determine where changes in calibration settings occur.

On the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box, the section called Used by pings - displays a ping range and the calibration settings for the ping range.


The Echoview 4.90 Simrad Ex60 and Simrad ME70 From first ping feature is fully expressed under the Used by pings section.

We are pleased to introduce that same functionality for BioSonics and HTI (*.smp) data. The support for the BioSonics data format includes the calculation of TwoWayBeamAngle. Alternatively you can specify a value for TwoWayBeamAngle using an ECS file.

Remaining supported formats also benefit from the Used by ping feature however there may be few (if any) data-file-derived settings available.

Note: These changes have resulted in the information on the File tab of the Show Information dialog box being updated for the Simrad Ex60, BioSonics DT4 and Furuno FQ80 data formats.

Responsive to calibration changes in a survey's data.

Fileset window enhancements

New features to streamline workflow:

  • Data files section
    • Folder icon to Show/Hide folder paths
    • Fileset properties icon to open the Fileset Properties dialog box
    • the Add data files dialog box has an improved Files format type list.
  • New Calibration section to add, edit or auto-generate ECS files.
  • Raw variables section
    • Icons replace buttons.

New features to streamline your fileset workflow.

Embedded color legends

Echogram, sector plot and cruise track windows now have their own legend panel. This is useful when viewing many echograms at one time.

Other related changes:

  • The Dataflow window has no legend.
  • The Frequency Response graph has no legend.

Enhances echogram usability.

New echogram docking model

and workspace changes

Features to help you get the best out of your Echoview workspace.

  • Echoview display Windows float, dock or, dock-to or tab with each other.
  • Utility dialog boxes float or dock to the main Echoview window.
  • The Echoview workspace includes the desktop or extended desktop.
  • File menu > Configuration > Preferences tab > Interface section, new window docking setting When opening a new window.
Improves display usability.

Variables and Geometry enhancements

The Variables and Geometry window is renamed to the more informative Dataflow window. This window's features have evolved to represent and manage key parts of your data. It includes raw and virtual variables, lines, and platform and transducer geometry.

The View Properties dialog box offers the new Theme setting. An Echoview 4.x theme is offered which emulates the Arrow colors and object shapes and colors of Echoview 4.x.

The Echoview 5.0 theme includes the following:

  • Shape changes
    • Rectangles show single beam variables
    • Fans show multibeam variables
    • Wavy rectangles show lines
    • Ovals show position, attitude and distance variables
  • Color changes
    • Objects of the same data type are the same color
    • Red border for LocalCal settings
  • Arrow changes
    • One arrow color

Other changes to the Dataflow window include:

Improves usability.

Data file reading and calculation enhancements

Multi-threaded data file reading in the background means faster reading of data files and viewing of echograms.

Multi-threading is applicable to computers with one or more processing cores. Multiple cores result in faster calculations. We have also multi-threaded one third of our operators.

  • A progress bar pops-up to display data file reading progress and disappears when the process is complete.

Note: Calculations that draw on all the data in a fileset (like analysis exports) become available once all data has been read.

Faster data processing.

New logo and modern document features

A modern look and uncluttered approach to layout are the aims of these changes:

  • Echoview 5.0 displays a new logo and offers an informative Welcome view.
  • Properties dialogs have tabs to the left.
    • Echogram page settings have changed slightly (simpler names).
    • Layout of Variable Properties dialog box
    • The Display page has been simplified and it has evolved pages for Echogram Display, Along track Display and Cruise track Display.

      Single target display settings (from the Display page) now appear together with the setting Thickness source under the Data page.
    • Layout of Echoview Configuration Properties dialog box
    • The Preferences page is an amalgamation of the Startup and Preferences pages.
  • Messages on Echoview Demonstration mode dialog are clearer and more informative.

Echoview is now a single-document application. Open an EV file and an instance of the Echoview window opens. Open another EV file and another instance of the Echoview window opens. This behavior also applies to live-viewing EV files.

Improved usability.

User interface changes
  • New EV files are set up with Whole excluded or no-data pings do not reduce the Thickness mean selected on the Analysis page of the Variable Properties dialog box. Existing EV files are unaffected. In general, this setting would be correct to use. There is one case where this state may not be correct. (Note: The literal meaning of the setting is only true for rectangular domains, the setting is renamed in Echoview 5.2.)
    For more information refer to About samples and echo integration: Integration calculations - Note.
  • The ST Thickness source calibration setting is no longer available. The setting now appears (more logically) under the Single target display section of the Echogram Display page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
  • Flip echogram vertically is now available for angular position variables. This setting is on the Echogram Display page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
  • The default background color of new scenes is light gray.
  • We have added error (crash) reporting to Echoview. Click Send Error Report on the Internal Error dialog box to email us diagnostic details which can enable us to fix problems in Echoview.
  • Echoview's minor version number is now expressed to the first decimal place. Previously this was two decimal places.
  • Echoview Configuration dialog box has new section names and settings.
    • Preferences tab, Toolbars section is renamed Interface.
Offers a wider range of features and simplifies workflow.
Demonstration mode enhancement You can now view multibeam, scanning-sonar and imaging-sonar data freely in Echoview’s demonstration mode. The 100 ping viewing limit has been removed, in fact now there is no viewing limit at all! Allows you to more fully explore Echoview's multibeam features.
Single target *.csv design change Target_range is now a required field in a .target.csv file. As a result pre-Echoview 4.90 .target.csv files are not accepted by Echoview 5.0. We suggest two ways to fix such files. An improved file format for single target exports.

File format support

HAC data format enhancement

Echoview now reads HAC BioSonics 102 1001 tuples.

Better HAC data format support.

Furuno FCV (.hac) format We are pleased to introduce support for the Furuno FCV (.hac) data format. Support for a wide range of instruments and their data formats.

New Operators and Operator enhancements

New Variable dialog changes A rearrangement of the New Variable dialog box is aimed at streamlining the workflow for operator selection and naming the virtual variable. Streamlines the virtual variable creation process.

Better processing speeds

Thirty five operators of the 110+ existing operators are multi-threaded to process faster on multiple core computer systems.
The operators are marked by a running hare on the New variable dialog box.

list of multi-threaded operators

EV files that use multi-threaded operators can process several times as fast with respect to Echoview 4.90 processing times. Another benefit is that multi-threading makes Echoview more responsive to user actions.

Future releases will phase in multi-threading for the rest of our operators.

Infrastructure for the faster processing data.
Module enhancement The Copy operator is now licensed under the Analysis export module. Sensible licensing for operators.

Single target detection enhancements

  • A Single target detection - Furuno FCV-30 operator to extract single targets from Furuno FCV-30 compensated TS data. This operator is supported by the new proprietary Furuno beam compensation algorithm which can also be used by other split beam Method 1 and 2 operators.
  • To facilitate single target detection, the single target detection operator (single, split, dual) default value for Minimum normalized pulse length is now 0.7.

Additional single target tools.

Resample enhancements

  • Resample operators now allow you to use up to 99999 data points per ping when using a Custom output range.
  • Resample operators in new EV files have Weighting/Interpolation range selected (as a default) under the Mean resampling operation. This setting is necessary when the data range is shifted from its original value. Pre-Echoview 5.0 EV files are unaffected by this change.

Resample operators that can accommodate your processing needs.

Scripting and COM objects

The implementation of COM objects (COM object automation) to access Echoview (through scripts) has been highly successful. Echoview Software continues to enhance existing COM objects and add support for new COM objects. We are also developing new tutorials and example scripts to help you upload, process and export your data efficiently.

The key advantage of this automation model is that Echoview can pass information back to the script. It is now possible for scripts to make informed decisions, request decisions from the user, and pass information from Echoview to the user.

For more information about the COM objects in Echoview 5.0 refer to Scripting with COM objects.

If you are interested to know more about COM automation, please contact us for further information.

Old scripting model removed

The old scripting model and its documentation is fully removed from Echoview. The Echoview Development team now supports a single scripting model. A model whose COM objects can easily evolve and grow.

One simple yet powerful scripting model to access Echoview's features and settings.


The following objects support the Echoview 5.0 calibration model:

For more information refer to Transition for calibration scripting.

Clearly defines COM access.


The enum ERegionType FishTrack = 3 for EvRegionType is available as read-only. This replicates similar availability when working with such regions on the screen.

Clearly defines COM access.

CreateCurtain change CreateCurtain (under EvVariableAcoustic and EvVariableVirtual) can now take an optional parameter to specify the Ping Sampling Factor used in the creation of multibeam curtains. Better COM support for the creation of curtains.

Export to image

The export to image feature is available for:

COM support for the export to image feature.



The method ExportLine supports the specification of a line by FirstPing and LastPing or the specification of the whole line with arguments -1, -1 (respectively).

Provides a flexibility in with line exports.

Other changes

Stationary Sonar module change

The Stationary Sonar module now licenses the use of the operator Median of N pings. The Median of N pings operator can do a much better job of defining the background and "smearing" signal from moving targets. Use it to subtract the background and define your object of interest.

Stationary sonar operator

Access to a better tool to dynamically define the background.

Analysis Export module change

The Frequency Response graph and Relative mean dB graph, join the Threshold Response graph, and are now licensed under the Analysis Export module.

Access to graphs that can aid in the analysis of your data.

Documentation changes

Help file upgrades

  • Better search features, including the * wildcard.
  • Breadcrumb navigation at the top of topic pages. Navigation links are based on the Table of Contents.
  • WebHelp is now compatible with IE8, Firefox and Google Chrome.

Documentation enhancements

  • New Echoview Experimental features page - offers a clear definition for Experimental feature and list of such features for the current version of Echoview.
  • Resample operator algorithm page - Clarifying text added, all intermediate calculations are conducted in the linear domain.
  • Additional contextual information for the export of single beam Sv and multibeam Sv and magnitude data to the MATLAB format (*.mat).
  • Additional information about dST on the Using the schools module page that is used in the discussion of corrections to beam widths and post processing thresholds.
  • Computer requirements page updated.
  • Rationalization and redesign of the module and licensing pages.

New features for Imaging, Multibeam and Scanning sonar users


How it works


User interface enhancements

Several features removed

Several rarely used features have been removed to streamline and improve the performance of Echoview. Removed features include:

  • The geo-referenced display for H-mode variables: View > Cruise track > Variable
  • The Region inspection window for regions detected on target-locked scanning data (H-mode target-locked with V-mode data).

Improves the performance of Echoview.

File format changes

 Furuno FSV-30 (Research) data format

The Furuno FVS-30 (Research version) data format is no longer supported. If you have concerns about or are interested in this file format please contact Echoview Support.

The specialist module Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) continues to be supported.


New features for users of specific echosounders and sonars

There may be specific 5.0 features for your echosounder or sonar, please take a minute to check what's new!

See also

Echoview Release History