New in Echoview 15 for all users

Welcome to Echoview 15!

This page has been prepared for the full release of Echoview 15. The contents of the Help file may change, and we recommend you revisit this page with each subsequent update of Echoview.

New features for all users

Key new features and enhancements
New operators and operator enhancements
Scripting and COM objects
Documentation changes
Bug fixes

New features for users of specific echosounders

New features for all users

Key new features and enhancements

Exporter objects in the Dataflow

Store export configurations in EV files for transparency and reuse.

The Dataflow window and Dataflow Toolbox now support Exporter objects for which can be used to configure and annotate independent sets of export settings that are saved in the EV file.

Exporter objects are available for:

  • Fish track analysis
  • Frequency distribution
  • ICES analysis
  • Single targets analysis
  • Sv integration
  • Vegetation analysis
  • Wideband frequency response
  • Wideband frequency response - Single targets

Where applicable, exporter options allow you to choose the analysis domain (transects, regions and/or cells), which analysis variables are included in an export, and other options that were previously only available in the EV File Properties dialog on the Export page.

See also Exporter support for scripting and COM.

Multiple platforms

It is now easier and more convenient to compare data collected from different vessels (or other types of data collection platforms) that are in different locations at the same time. Each platform can be configured to use independent sources of GPS, heave/depth compensation, heading, and more.

Introducing support for multiple platforms via the Dataflow window right-click menu, New, Platform or via the Dataflow Toolbox.

The multiple platform feature is supported by new properties on:

For further information refer to About platforms and support for scripting.

Dynamic naming of variables

Variable names dynamically update when a property value changes.

Use text and supported property names to create a variable name that automatically updates when a cited property updates. The Dynamic property can be found on the new Name and Notes page of the Variable Properties dialog box.

Variables that support dynamic names include:

  • Acoustic variables, position and movement variables, bottom points and virtual impedance characteristic variables
  • Lines
  • Virtual Surfaces
  • Exporters

For example, a Fixed Depth virtual line set to 10.2 m can be given the dynamic name "Fixed depth {Depth} m", which will appear on the Dataflow as "Fixed Depth 10.2 m", and the number will change if the depth of the fixed depth line is modified.

Associated support includes:

  • edit access through the command interface and COM
  • a new Properties Information window that displays command interface property names and is able to export all property names to a CSV file, or Copy a name to Paste elsewhere.

New transducer and platform metadata

Transducer and Platform Properties: automatically reads from files and applies to data.

Echoview introduces the use of supported platform and transducer metadata read automatically from Simrad Ex60 and Simrad EK80 data files.

  • For Simrad Ex60 raw data files, Echoview now automatically reads the transducer name from the file TransducerName attribute. Echoview reads and uses the transducer metadata Vertical Transducer Offset, and assigns it to the value for Transducer location Z - vertical offset (m).
  • For Simrad EK80 data files, Echoview now automatically reads Transducer depth, Transducer name and Device name from the file attributes TransducerDepth, TransducerName and Version.

New analysis variables for school regions

New school shape descriptors available for export and region classification.

Additional analysis variables for school shape are included in region analysis exports when the Schools Detection module is licensed, and can also be used in rules-based classification. These include:

Transect features

Additional Echoview features work with transects.

Performance improvements

More efficient workflow and time savings

Specific aspects of Echoview are now faster, allowing you to process your data more efficiently, which will be particularly evident when using a powerful computer.

  • Large transect group tables (e.g., containing >103 transects) now load more quickly.
  • Faster refresh rate for the details panel.
  • Subset operators, including the Ping, Calibration and Transect subset operators, now calculate faster when they result in large time gaps between pings.
  • Memory improvements made to the Resample Multibeam pings operator under a fixed (ie., manually specified and/or based on the first ping) geometry platform.

Cruise track display changes

New customizations of the display

New settings to the Cruise track display have been introduced, including:

  • The original 'circle' icon for the Cruise track and along track windows has been updated to a new marker that better indicates the direction of travel. The windows now support the editing of region nodes.
  • Introducing settings to customize the display of map-based tracks for map background, grid and fix colors and line thickness on the Cruisetrack Display tab of the EV File Properties dialog box. These affect cruise track, along track, bottom classification track, 3D scene and 4D windows.

General changes

  • New output file size limit of 100 MB for triggering a warning when exporting to an external file.
  • Best Bottom Candidate line pick and Maximum Sv line pick algorithms now accept values up to 150 dB re 1m-1 for these settings, making it easier to use with uncalibrated or scaled data values:
    • Minimum Sv for good pick
    • Discrimination level
    • Peak threshold
  • Curtain creation
  • Reorder the operands into a dataflow object using the drag and drop nodes.
  • The Go To feature (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+G) now supports navigating to a table row.
  • Improved diagnostic messages for blank echograms.
  • Pre-selected variables are connected as operands when creating a new virtual variable. This change relates to when >1 variable is selected. Previously this worked when 1 was pre-selected, but not for >1.
  • New EV files are created with all Export analysis variables selected.
  • Warnings will appear if transducer and/or platform settings do not match those populated from the datafile.
  • The Cell statistic operator now supports linear data types (e.g., vessel speed at pings, density estimates, etc).
  • Bottom classification (along track) windows can now display regions.
  • Create Fish Track From Targets adds support for Parallelogram and Polygon selection tools.
  • The ICES .csv export now supports Sv single beam data from any file format.
  • A new error message "VariableName: No Python source file specified" will display for the Code operator when a Python source file has not been added.
  • Line color and thickness settings have been moved to the Lines and Surfaces page of the EV File Properties dialog box. This means that Echoview now allows Display settings (e.g., line color, line thickness) to be honoured between synchronized echograms and graphs.
  • Variables derived from Heading, Pitch, Roll, Vessel logs, Length and Speed data now gain a Status value assigned to segments between data points. For further information refer to About lines: Other line types.
  • Variable Properties support Display page Default and Custom settings for line color and thickness on graphs.
  • Echoview now lets you create a new file from a template if a template file is already opened (e.g., in another Echoview session). See Using EV file Templates for more information.
  • Introducing a new variable class, Transmission characteristics.
  • Introducing new data types: Bottom statistics, Transmission characteristics.
  • The Performance page which displayed operational information pertaining to Echoview is removed. It was previously on the Echoview Configuration dialog box.
  • The New Editable Line Properties dialog box remembers the most recent Source settings.
  • Echogram color schemes for 'no data' changed from black to grey in order to differentiate from the black background in radar view.
  • Echoview license information, accessed from the Help menu, can be copied by selecting CTRL + C when displayed. No need to select text first.
  • Removal of the Scan position operator previously used to remove the effects of local vessel motion and GPS imprecision from position data. This operator was introduced in Echoview version 3.40, however Echoview currently has many features that function to both correct for vessel motion (ie., roll, pitch, and heave) and handle GPS data.
  • For selections, some graph, region, and export features on the Shortcut menu are unavailable due to restrictions when working on line-referenced echograms. This change ensures that images aren't being created that do not accurately represent user-specified selections.
  • Echoview 15 flags and corrects the display of EVD version 2.1 files for multibeam magnitude data with CalibrationOffset.

New operators and operator enhancements

Sector select

New operator to work with Matrix Sv, Matrix TS, Matrix angular position, and Matrix unspecified dB data.

The Sector select operator allows you to extract minor-axis angle or major-axis angle samples for a sector in matrix data (ie., from a ping matrix) corresponding to a specified tilt or bearing angle. This operator supports Simrad MS70 data.

Maximum intensity - matrix

New operator to read Matrix Sv, Matrix TS and Matrix unspecified dB data.

The Maximum intensity - matrix operator scans matrix data along the major- or minor-axis, producing multibeam pings where each sample (at range R) contains the maximum value of all of the corresponding samples that are also at range R along the scanned axis. This operator supports Simrad MS70 data.

Extract transmission characteristic

Explore data quality.

The Extract transmission characteristic operator extracts a variable for a specified impedance statistic and transducer component such as specified transducer sector or the aggregate for the transducer. The operator reads complex impedance data contained in a derived transmission characteristic variable.

Extract bottom feature

Enables calculation of bottom feature metrics in real time.

The Extract bottom feature operator outputs a bottom feature per ping interval, which allows analysis in real time (e.g., during live viewing) as well as in post-processing.

Match geometry

Better handling for threshold -999 dB values.

The Match geometry operator now handles threshold values to -999 dB.

Calibration subset, Ping subset and Transect subset

Added support for MS70 matrix data

These subset operators now accept operands of the following data types as input:

  • Matrix angular position
  • Matrix Sv
  • Matrix TS
  • Matrix unspecified dB

Trained model bitmap (experimental)

The operand data types of this operator now match those supported by the Trained model bottom exclusion line (experimental) operator.

Trained model bitmap (experimental) now includes support for more data types as input.

Multibeam target detection

Meaningful setting names

Several Target linking settings are renamed to make them more meaningful when you specify the parameters for the target linking. Revised and simpler target linking documentation helps you to understand how targets are created.

Type conversion and Data generator

Work in the power (dB) domain

The Type conversion and Data generator operators now offer Power (dB) as an Output type.

Cell statistic - Single targets

More consistent operator naming

The Cell statistic [Single targets]  operator has been renamed to Cell statistic - Single targets to ensure consistency with the naming of operators.

Scripting and COM objects

For more information about the COM objects refer to Scripting with COM objects.

Command interface

The Echoview Command interface allows you to access Echoview properties and actions. Use the Console window to immediately interact with the Command interface. Use a script to execute batch commands.

Support includes:

  • The new Properties Information window provides Property and Page information for a selected object on the Dataflow window.
  • New objects for Exporters and Platforms.
  • Exporter object Export Action.
  • Platform Transducer, Position, Video and Image objects support platform related settings under the Properties action. Refer to Properties: Multiple platforms for further details.
  • Variables that support a Dynamic name can use the Action ResetDynamicName and Properties action option DynamicName. Refer to Properties: Name and DynamicName for further details.
  • Fish track settings on the Track Detection Properties dialog box under the command > Ev File | Properties PageFishtracks
  • Many more filter Options for variable type and data type, under the commands: > Only variable and > Only Datatype
  • Apply templates with the New Action.
  • Transducer Properties Page options now include: PageGeometry. This replaces the Options PageLocation and PageOrientation
  • Cruisetrack Display settings of the EV File Properties dialog box are supported under PageCruisetrackDisplay list of Ev File.
  • A list index that returns a list with a single item can be used as an object.
  • Line thickness, Color scheme, and Line colors settings are now on the PageLines list rather than the PageEchogram list of Ev File.
  • The PAIRS action is no longer supported, however the Name and Value options may still be used for list filtering.
  • The Properties Option HeaveSource replaces HeaveLine.

Note: We strongly recommend checking that any scripts written for previous versions of Echoview that include EvApp.Exec content still works as expected. We also recommend you incorporate built-in scripting safeguards that will report any errors that may occur.


EvLinePickProperties.Algorithm now supports an enum for the Trained model Bottom exclusion line pick algorithm. eLinePickTrainedModelBottomExclusion = 3.

EvExporter, EvExportersCollection

COM object support for exporters includes:


Find a supported object in a collection by its dynamic name:


The EvApplication.ExportPropertyInformation method exports all command interface property names and associated information to a text file. The information is useful for scripting via COM , or in the Console or for Dynamic names.


Enum updates for new operators, exporters, variable data types and variable types under EOperator, EVariableType and EVariableDataType.

Documentation changes

Nominal frequency

Added new Glossary term for nominal frequency to clarify that it is read from the data file and is uniquely defined for different wideband hardware.

Echoview now automatically adds nominal frequency to the transducer object in the dataflow window as part of dynamic naming.

New features for users of specific echosounders and sonars

There may be specific Echoview 15 features for your echosounder or sonar — please take a minute to check what's new.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug for the Multibeam target samples bitmap operator associated with pings being matched by ping index rather than by their time stamps.
  • Fixed an on screen analysis bug that affected the intersection of transects and regions. Intersection calculations now use region and transect times. Previously the calculations considered intersection pings.
  • Fixed a multibeam schools detection bug that occurred when cruise scanning data and the setting Exclude data beyond the minimum range of the exclude below surface were used. The detection would return no schools due to all beams being excluded.
  • Fixed a bottom classification bug that affected the calculation of the the bottom echo. Previously the bottom echo start and stop could be in the same place, and no data samples at the end of the echo were handled incorrectly. Documentation for the bottom echo is updated.
  • Fixed an exclude surface bug that affected multibeam data for upward facing transducers. Previously, the exclude above surface was incorrectly applied at the edges of the surface.
  • Fixed a new editable line bug that affected the Source page under the Line Properties dialog box. Previously, the Source page settings were not remembered once the line was created.
  • Fixed a transducer geometry bug for MS70 data whereby echograms were incorrectly showing the bottom surface as vertical and not horizontal (ie., 90 degrees offset), due to MS70 transducers typically being mounted vertically and in parallel with the vessel's fore-and-aft axis. Transducer elevation angles now default to 89.99 degrees when data is loaded.
  • Fixed an interim analysis bug whereby the Echoview search logic would incorrectly find sync points outside of ping ranges for valid, user-defined segments along lines.
  • Fixed a bug related to complex data which can now be correctly exported from regions when transducer is oriented upwards.
  • Fixed a bug that rounded Resample Multibeam ping operator Sector angle ranges from 4 to 2 decimal places. Properties now accept degree values up to 4 decimal places.
  • Fixed an Undo/Redo bug related to how platform properties on transducer objects were being altered when dragging connections from them in the dataflow window.
  • Fixed a bug that previously omitted platform information in the Details pane when hovering over various objects (ie., acoustic, position and sounder-detected depth line variables) in the Dataflow window.
  • Fixed a bug in echograms where certain sample information (e.g., depth) was appearing in the details pane when hovering a mouse over the transect bar. Now only the ping index and time will appear.

See also

Echoview Release History